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Search Engine Optimization Specialists

What Are Search Engine Optimization Specialists?

SEO located in Cambridge and Buffalo,NY. The Silent Seller specializes in local search for local business. Search engine optimization – SEO get your local business found with online advertising.

Search Engine Optimization Specialists are just that. They construct your communication, written,video or voice so that it can be indexed by the Search Engines such as Google, You Tube, Bing,Yahoo,Blekko, DuckDuckGo and in their listings. They do a careful analysis of your marketing strategy on the web and make sure it is optimized to get the best possible ranking and listing in the search engine results pages (SERPS).

They start with an understanding of your market and study the keywords that you are using, your competitors are using, and from your own existing analytics data what keyword people are searching to find your existing site. They must have Search Engine Optimization (SEO) organic search experience, a basic pay per click PPC understanding as well as be able to do rudimentary web analytic research for you.

Search Engine Optimization Specialists Put Your Best Keywords Forward

Having determined your proper keywords the SEO Specialists from king kong seo make sure that you use the keywords in your articles on your website, in your article copy, your titles, and your tagging so that the automated search robots or bots as they are called can crawl or spider your websites copy to ascertain what it is really all about.
The search engines then rank your articles or content by relevancy and through a complicated search algorithm deliver the searcher the most relevant answers to their search queries.

By using search engine optimization specialists you ensure that your content gets to the readers that can make the most out of it and gain value from your information. Think of Search Engine Optimization as that spinster librarian’s brain that coded and catalogued all the books in the library by either the Library of Congress or Dewey Decimal System so that you could just go to the shelf and pick out the item that you were looking for.

A bit oversimplified but I hope you get the idea. To maximize your ranking in the SERPS you optimize your content as well as making sure it reads fine in just plain language also.

Search Engine Optimization Specialists have their own Lingo

You probably are not interested in your title , meta descriptions and meta-tags, your categories or if your H1 H2 H3 and H4 tags are coded to the content properly.

You just want to make sure your “Blue Widget” that you sell and produce or the service or practice you operate is able to be found, described and discussed on the web,in written, audio or video formats.

It all comes down to making sure the searcher finds you and the information or content is relevant to their needs.

If you would like to talk to the Search Engine Optimization Specialists at The Silent Seller visit the site and see how you can benefit from search engine optimization for your business, local search listings and your online content.

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