• Good Marketing Asks, Acts, and Answers

    Marketing is a Craft. Marketing is not a science, it is a craft, and how you answer these questions determines your success or failure. Good marketing starts from the premise that it is about your prospect and not about you or your product. I see many small businesses and professionals trying to start the dialogue…

  • Google Maps is Your Silent Seller

    Google Maps is a Silent Seller you need. A few years ago, at the 2007 Strategic Advertising Summit, Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, predicted yellow pages usage would drop to near zero by the year 2012 for people under the age of 50. Gates’ prediction seems to be coming true as the yellow pages are beginning…

  • Silent Seller Asks -Does Your Website Engage ?

    One of the best ways to make your local business website more profitable immediately is to take  proactive action… instead of  reaction and engage your customers. Unfortunately, most businesses both large and small use their website as a calling card or static site and leave the customer cold.  While it is good to have a…

  • Silent Seller Tactics & Strategy for Local Visibility

    A successful local search and visibility strategy is meant to yield the results and expectations you want it to achieve. Thus proper execution of the strategy is essential to allow us to hit the bullseye on our targets Execution means doing it. Measuring its results and modifying the methods or tactics we are using. When…

  • What is Marketing?

    The definition of Marketing, provided by the American Marketing Association via Wikipedia is “Marketing is the activity,set of institutions,and processes for creating, communicating,delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers,clients,partners and society at large”. Let us look at the components of this definition to better understand Marketing and what it means to professional practices.…

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