Author: Rob Metras
Google Places- Local Search
Google Places-Local Search Explained Here is an excellent explanation about Google Places from no other than Google itself which explains about local search marketing via Google Google Places Listings If you want to make sure you can take advantage of all the offerings that Google has in Local Search Marketing it is important that you…
Business Directory Listing
Business Directory Listing means Free Advertising Business Directory Listing is one of the best sources of free advertising for local businesses and the Silent Seller is an internet marketing firm that can get your site web noticed. By doing business directory listings on multiple directory sites you can get more customers through website optimization. This…
Local Search in Cambridge,Ontario
Local Search Marketing in Cambridge Ontario Local Search Engine Marketing in Cambridge, , is a field where the landscape is always dynamic and changing. To get the best results for your product or service you have to make sure it is placed where people are searching. This means on social media sites like Facebook and…
Lead Capture- Marketing Minute #3
Lead Capture is the Lifeblood of Marketing Enjoy my cinchcast below – Lead Capture Marketing Minute #3
Web Analytics Make Dollars and Sense
Why Web Analytics are Necessary Web Analytics are necessary to give you some measurement and analysis on your online objectives. They give you a sense of where your dollars are or are not coming from. Imagine starting out on a journey with no map, no log and no path to follow. Might be a bit…
Local Search Marketing Tips
Local Search Marketing Minute Here is a recorded marketing minute from Rob Metras, The Silent Seller on on Local Search Marketing. I will be doing a more complete post on Local Search Marketing shortly on the changes that are happening to Google Maps,Google Places and the listing views as they change. See the new…
Business Blog Importance
Your Business Blog is Important If you want to interest people in a business, professional practice or idea you have to talk to people where they are and engage them to see you as the expert in that area. For the purposes of this article I assume you know what a blog is, or you…