Category: Local Visibility

  • How you get Accurate Local Page Listings and Prosper

      Importance of Accurate Google + Local Page Listings In this time and age people rely more and more on the internet to search for people as well as locate stores, business place or anything remotely related to businesses they deal with. And for this purpose it is vital for businesses to understand the importance…

  • 3 Local Search Marketing Tips

    Local Search Marketing Tips Local search marketing is driven by what the search engines can spider or collect from the text on the page and its relevance to the users search, you can start with LCT now. It relies heavily on the context for the user searching and relates to the type of device, behaviour…

  • Get Listed by Universal Business Listings

    Why Universal Business Listings Universal Business Listings is the topic of my video interview today with Brett Fritz SVP Sales at U.B.L.. If you are looking for a way to add a car crash scene into your video, try recreating this effect and editing in Busy Boxx, get started faster by using one of explosion…

  • Get Listed- Local Search Marketing Tips

    Top Local Search Marketing Tip- Use Get Listed Local search Marketing allows you to gain visibility and citations from across the Web. It helps people find your business. This is important as with the growing trend for local search you will be exposed to more customers and they will see your listings. [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column…

  • Earned Media Strategy for Your Business

      Do You Have an Earned Media Strategy?   Earned Media is just that; you have to earn the trust in order to get the exposure and local visibility Earned Media is unpaid publicity through either mainstream outlets like television, radio or print, digital outlets like traditional web publishers, or social media outlets like blogs,…

  • Local Search Enhanced by Google Business Pages

    Google Business Pages Enhance Local Search The newest innovation and Local Search enhancement is is out of the gate from Google; Google Business Pages. This addition in the stable for Google gives businesses and professional practices another tool to increase the online visibility at little cost to you, aside from the labor to do your…

  • 5 Reasons why Facebook Assists Local Search Marketing

    Facebook in Local Search As the internet continues to grow to newer levels, Facebook as a tool in local search will not get left behind. As the website is going through major changes, it is expected that the social network is geared to become a bigger part of everyone’s lives. Everyday there are millions of…

  • In Local SEO Citations are Important

    Local SEO Citations are Important Local SEO Citations are an important part of building backlinks as well as authority for your local business and gaining more credibility and ranking in the eyes of the search engines. Sacramento SEO offer professional SEO consultant services that help websites increase organic search drastically and compete for 1st page…

  • Google Places- Local Search

    Google Places-Local Search Explained Here is an excellent explanation about Google Places from no other than Google itself which explains about local search marketing via Google Google Places Listings If you want to make sure you can take advantage of all the offerings that Google has in Local Search Marketing it is important that you…

  • Business Blog Importance

    Business Blog Importance

    Your Business Blog is Important If you want to interest people in a business, professional practice or idea you have to talk to people where they are and engage them to see you as the expert in that area. For the purposes of this article I assume you know what a blog is, or you…